
Our Mission At Sweet Soul Salvation

Sweet Soul Salvation is a dedicated animal sanctuary located in Manitoba, Canada, committed to the rescue and rehabilitation of a wide array of animals. Our philosophy is rooted in a deep respect for nature and the intrinsic value of every life.

Founded on a deep-seated passion for animal welfare, Sweet Soul Salvation is more than just a rescue, It’s a sanctuary where animals can thrive, respecting their natural behaviors and needs. Our mission is multifaceted, dedicated not only to rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming animals but also to creating a self-sustaining environment that fosters their independence and respects their innate instincts.

foster pup Freya

We provide a sanctuary where animals, whether covered in fur, scales, or feathers, can receive the highest standard of care and a chance to find loving forever homes. Specifically for the exotic animal residents, following their rehabilitation, we ensure that they receive minimal human intervention to respect their unique needs and to promote a life that is as natural and undisturbed as possible.

Through education and outreach, we advocate tirelessly for the welfare of all the residents, advocating the voiceless and supporting those who cannot speak for themselves. We strive to foster a community that embraces compassionate coexistence between humans and animals, promoting sustainable practices and a profound respect for all life.

Our commitment extends beyond immediate care, aiming to inspire broader impacts through our advocacy, educational efforts, and the cultivation of a sanctuary that supports the physiological, physical, and behavioral needs of each animal. This ensures they enjoy not only protection and enrichment but also the freedom to express their natural behaviors in a safe and nurturing environment.

  • Rescue & Rehome

    To provide a sanctuary for all souls, from domestic to exotic animals, ensuring they receive the highest standard of care and rehabilitation. We offer a chance for these animals to find loving forever homes, or for those facing greater challenges—such as special medical needs or unsuitable for traditional adoption—Sweet Soul Salvation provides a permanent sanctuary where they can thrive on their own terms.

  • Advocate for the Voiceless

    To advocate for the welfare of every heartbeat, whether covered in fur, scales, or feathers, promoting a deeper public understanding and appreciation of the diverse needs and natures of all living beings.

  • Promote Compassionate Coexistence

    To foster a community that respects and protects nature, encouraging harmonious coexistence between humans and animals through education, outreach, and hands-on involvement.

  • Sustain & Expand

    To maintain a sustainable, non-profit environment that continually adapts and grows, ensuring every animal that comes into care benefits from a safe, healthy, and joyful living space.