Cindy Lou

  • Rescue dog
Cindy Lou Details
Status: Available
Breed: Collie Heeler Mix
Age: 2 years
Gender: Female
Size: Medium Breed
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Adoption Price: $450.00
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About Cindy Lou

✨ Meet Cindy Lou! ✨

Cindy Lou is a testament to loyalty and sweetness, complete with a kind demeanor and a charming pink raspberry kiss on her nose. This loving girl is driven by her stomach but even more so by her heart. Cindy Lou thrives in a welcoming home environment where she can stretch out on a cozy dog bed; she’s not one for the confines of a kennel. She expresses her affection by gently laying her head on your arm, leg, or foot. Cindy Lou’s loyalty runs deep; she seeks validation, happily trotting beside you rather than venturing off on her own. She’s the perfect match for someone looking for a devoted and loving friend to share in every aspect of life.